Hidden Potential, S2E14
June 10 2022
Project Overview

The Home Owners
Jaymee and Mindy
The Budget
The DL
Jaymee and Mindy’s home was as cookie cutter as they come. The color, footprint, roofline, and garage doors were all exactly the same as every other house in their neighborhood. Inside, the floor plan had completely gone to the dogs…or cats, in this particular case. And the segmented floor plan, with four different ceiling levels and outdated finishes, was a far cry from being the cat’s meow. (You may have gathered that Jaymee and Mindy have cats, and love cats…)
The Plan
It was time to bring this home into the new millennium, and to differentiate it from every other house on the street. In order to do this, I wanted to instill as much of Jaymee and Mindy’s personalities into the design as possible. I used the existing stained glass seascape and craftsman style alder front door as our guides and brought their love of nature, organic finishes, and the outdoors into all other areas of their home as well.
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