QUIZ: Which HGTV Designer Are You?
May 19 2022
Don’t act like you’ve never watched HGTV and wondered, if you were a designer, who you’d be! I mean we all have our faves, right? But even though we all have our faves, I do think it’s super interesting to see who we like to watch as a host and whose design actually aligns most with our own taste. It’s really fun to look into and think about! So fun, in fact, that I made a cool new quiz: Which HGTV Designer Are You? And I had a LOT of fun making this one! I picked a handful of designers that run the gamut in their styles, so there should hopefully be someone here that clicks with each of you. Now let’s see who you are… maybe you’re ME!
If you see the spinning circle, don’t click away! That means the quiz is calculating your results, and you won’t wanna miss the answer so you can tell your friends which HGTV designer you are and see if theirs is the same or totally different!
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