My Celebration Cocktail Recipe
August 22 2022
Since we're almost to Saturday, and the premiere of Help! I Wrecked My House, Season 3, I thought I should re-share my go-to Celebration Cocktail. It's light, fizzy and perfect with or without alcohol. If you're having. viewing party, or any party really, sip along with The Roth family on the big night!
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Cel-e-brate good times, come on! And just like that, I’m looking back on one of the most exciting weeks of my career. This has been one for the books, that’s for sure. Between a brand new episode of Help! I Wrecked My House airing on HGTV on Monday night, my new book 'House Story' publishing Tuesday, and my house being on the cover of HGTV Magazine Wednesday – it’s been a whirlwind to say the least. And you all have been there every step of the way, so I wanted to share a little celebration cocktail recipe that we can all make together this weekend.
Okay, this isn’t a fancy cocktail that you have to visit 4 gourmet grocery stores and has 100 steps to make, this is… drumroll please… a white wine spritzer. And for those that have been following me on Instagram, you know that I’ve been making these all summer. But this weekend, it’s special and I’m declaring this white wine spritzer a celebration cocktail!
So let’s make this drink together. It’s easy!
My Celebration Cocktail Recipe
Here’s what you’ll need:
• A Wine Glass (I’ve used these all summer and they’ve held up great!)
• Ice
• Soda Water (The colder the better.)
• Lemon
• Wine (I like Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc)
The first step is to fill your glass with ice. All my close friends will tell you, I like a full cup of ice and will tolerate nothing less – ha! So once you have your full cup of ice, you can pour your white wine. I use Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc – super light and mixes up great. The amount is really up to you, but usually you want about 1:1 soda and wine, or if you’re not that boozy, try 2:1 soda and wine. Or if you’re like me, just make this cocktail without any wine at all. This is literally one of the most refreshing mocktails and all my friends request it when they come to my house.

Next, add your soda water. Now here’s the trick, you want your soda water to be as cold as possible. So put it in the freezer 30 minutes before you start making your cocktails, or store it in the fridge, so that when you pour, everything is nice and cold.

And the final step is to add some additional flavor – enter the lemon! I use a veggie peeler to get a little twist of the lemon peel. Just gently peel a little piece of the lemon rind and then twist it in your fingers. And you might notice, I have a pretty fancy peeler. It was my birthday gift from Brett! See, I told you I was making these drinks a lot.
Here’s a good peeler in case you need a fancy veggie peeler for your at-home bar.
And last up, the finishing touch – and this really does make a big difference – take the lemon rind and rub the inside (that’s the white part) around the rim of your glass. Then drop the little lemon twist into the glass and you’re DONE!
Refreshing, right?! Please let me know your thoughts or how you like to garnish your white wine spritzers in the comments. Also, tell me what celebration you’re going to make this for!
And just a reminder, I wouldn’t be celebrating any of these big life moments without all of you. You’ve cheered me on, supported my many endeavors, and continue to come back for more – and for that I’m forever grateful. So cheers to you and I hope you have a great weekend!

Love the show. Love jasmin.
on August 29, 2022
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