Fish House Punch Recipe

Fish House Punch Recipe

It’s officially the holiday season!  And in our house, that means having (even more) people over to hang out and be together.  We host family and friends pretty regularly at our house, but in the holiday season we really kick it up a notch if we can.  I’ve been traveling for a secret HGTV project, and my winter schedule is a bit inconsistent because of that.  So that means we have to make the most out of the time that I’m home.  I love to have some tried and true recipes on hand for when family and friends pop over.  That way you can whip up something delicious and enjoy your time together.  I don’t drink cocktails usually, but my friends and family like them, so having a good recipe on hand during the holidays is always a safe bet.  Today I’m sharing a classic fish house punch recipe.  It’s festive, easy to mix up, and it involves the prettiest infused ice cubes you ever did see (that’s my secret twist!).  I’ll warn you, it’s a bit strong!  But it’s a great drink to have for parties.  This fish punch was recommended to me by a friend who lives on the East Coast, and now it’s one of my go-to cocktails to prepare for holiday gatherings.  And if you aren’t an alcohol drinker, I’ve got you covered with a mocktail modification.  Cheers!  (And P.S. this would go great with my herbed popcorn recipe.)


Fish House Punch Recipe

What You’ll Need

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 3 1/2 cups of water
  • 1 1/2 cups of fresh juice of an orange
  • 1 bottle of amber rum
  • 12 oz cognac
  • 2 oz peach brandy
  • Cranberries and lemon slices for infused ice cubes (optional)
  • Rosemary to garnish (optional)
  • Orange slices to garnish (optional)

Note: Follow the measurements above if you’re making a big batch for a group of people – otherwise it makes a lot.  We usually just eyeball each amount when making smaller portions.  If you’re making it for just two people, I suggest quartering the measurements.  Just taste as you go to get the flavor to your liking.  Also, this would be a delicious mocktail if you took the infused ice cubes and poured sparkling water and a squeeze of orange juice over the top.



Step 1.

The first thing you need to do is make your infused ice cubes.  We took cranberries and lemon slices and placed them in an ice mold.  Then you just fill the mold with water and freeze!  These are so festive and add such a nice pop of color to this punch.  It will look so impressive to your guests, but take you less than 5 minutes to do.  Score!



Step 2.

Next you’ll need to make your simple syrup.  Combine your water and sugar in a small pot and bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar has dissolved.  Set aside to cool.

Step 3.

Mix it all up – mix your cognac, rum, brandy, simple syrup and squeezed orange juice together.  We have an orange juicer that makes recipes like this even easier.



Step 4.

Place your infused ice cubes into your cocktail glasses.  Pour the punch over the cubes.



Step 5.

Garnish with orange, rosemary, cranberries – whatever you please.  Enjoy!



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